Monday, June 15, 2015

Tabula Rosa Product Of The Day - ExtraHop - A Case Study For A SaaS

ExtraHop is a prime product for Tabula Rosa. It is a proven tool for many companies to analyze their transactions through their networks and applications. Some of the key elements are mentioned below. For anyone interested in the product, please contact Tabula Rosa through the methods mentioned below.

The Problem
The operations and systems administration staff of a 250-employee medical device manufacturer were tasked with maintaining the company's cloud-based applications to understand usage patterns, resource consumption, and to protect against unauthorized use of unsanctioned applications.
The IT team didn't know all applications in use, the total amount of traffic consumed by their cloud and SaaS based applications, had no visibility into end-user performance, and didn't have the visibility to segment on-premises from cloud-based applications. They depended exclusively on their SaaS and cloud providers for performance information, found troubleshooting difficult, and had significant concerns regarding compliance and data loss through applications like file sharing services. They also found capacity planning a challenge because they lacked a comprehensive picture of application resource consumption.
Desired Outcome
·         A simple way to discover and measure SaaS and cloud-based applications
·         Information that would definitively show resource consumption by type
·         A means for continuous observation to prevent unsanctioned applications
·         Information on SaaS user performance and usage for better SLA management
The IT department realized that these cloud applications posed a serious vulnerability of data leakage, a vulnerability completely out of their hands. They needed to proactively investigate this shadow IT issue but without causing disruption to employees.

The Solution
The company deployed the ExtraHop platform behind a proxy that could decrypt their SaaS-based applications. Extending ExtraHop's Cloud Application Bundle, they quickly began measuring total transactions, performance, and bandwidth consumption on a per application as well as a per cloud category perspective.
The teams created cloud- and SaaS-specific dashboards correlated with internally observed behavior, creating a central source of information that exposed not only all requests, bytes, error codes and rates, but also provided definitive evidence showing performance from their users' perspective, not the SaaS provider's perspective. They modified their dashboards to be able to view end-user performance today compared to seven days ago, so they had an early warning system if their SaaS applications and end-user experience was trending positively or negatively.
They did the same with their on-premises based applications so they could compare and contrast resource consumption by application type. Not only could they diagnose top consumers that could be causing congestion and performance issues but they now had the trend data to inform future capacity needs.
Finally, they added a list of unsanctioned applications to their ExtraHop bundle as a proactive means to identify and act on any unauthorized activity. The compliance team and the CSO were relieved to know that they now had a proactive means to identify and act on any unauthorized activity.
User Impact
Instead of reactively responding to performance issues and being wholly dependent upon the SaaS provider, they were now in control and could hold their providers accountable which the CIO found invaluable. For the first time they had a means to definitively eliminate their own environment as the source of the problem and could identify the specific resources (URIs) that were degraded and correlate that with their overall network performance and utilization by all other applications.
The Director of IT Operations estimated that they've saved over 200 personnel hours annually in unproductive SaaS troubleshooting efforts. The manufacturer was able to demonstrate that 80 users accessed this application only a few times a year so they were able to reduce several of their SaaS application license counts, saving an estimated $20,000 per year. Usage information provided by one of their SaaS providers was used to determine the annual license fee which was, "a bit like the fox guarding the hen house" as the Director of IT said. With ExtraHop's trending data the Director of IT said he feels 12 months ahead on their planning curve. They have a complete understanding of their capacity needs as they grow and can prepare more accurate budgets based on both performance and usage. They can also audit all user, network and application activity to be sure employees are using only authorized cloud file-sharing services.
They have started to expand ExtraHop's security monitoring capabilities—identifying and correlating anomalous behavior focusing first on all engineering file access by client, directory, file, frequency, and volume and correlating that information with other user behavior like outbound activity. Not only do they have a solid perimeter and internal controls for protection, now they can perform real-time internal activity surveillance, putting them in a much stronger position to protect their intellectual property.

**Important note** - contact our sister company for very powerful solutions for IP management (IPv4 and IPv6, security, firewall and APT solutions:

In addition to this blog, Netiquette IQ has a website with great assets which are being added to on a regular basis. I have authored the premiere book on Netiquette, “Netiquette IQ - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve, Enhance and Add Power to Your Email". My new book, “You’re Hired! Super Charge Your Email Skills in 60 Minutes. . . And Get That Job!” will be published soon follow by a trilogy of books on Netiquette for young people. You can view my profile, reviews of the book and content excerpts at:

 If you would like to listen to experts in all aspects of Netiquette and communication, try my radio show on BlogtalkRadio  Additionally, I provide content for an online newsletter via I have also established Netiquette discussion groups with Linkedin and Yahoo.  I am also a member of the International Business Etiquette and Protocol Group and Minding Manners among others. Further, I regularly consult for the Gerson Lehrman Group, a worldwide network of subject matter experts and have been a contributor to numerous blogs and publications. 

Lastly, I am the founder and president of Tabula Rosa Systems, a company that provides “best of breed” products for network, security and system management and services. Tabula Rosa has a new blog and Twitter site which offers great IT product information for virtually anyone.

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