Sunday, March 5, 2017

Tabula Rosa Systems Blog Of 3/5/17 - Netiquette Justification

            The smartest people can write the worst emails and those of less intellect can write the best.
—Paul Babicki

            Optimized email Netiquette involves a basic understanding of the core components of an email message, how they work, and their attributes. By simply learning these, anyone can improve their communication skills, reduce mistakes and mishaps, and produce emails that will enhance communication skills and benefit all email users, whether personal, general, or business. By consistently implementing simple, proper, basic email construction, any person of any age, social standing, demographic, or education can communicate better.  As communication improves, a better world community results, with benefits all can experience and enjoy.

        Have a need for speed? With the proliferation of email, texting, Twitter, and IM, the very basics of letter writing and English usage have dramatically suffered. Even the most “learned” of people have dramatically compromised their otherwise stellar or normal writing habits when using electronic communications.

        The following is an example taken from the “Daily Mail,” where considerable email “shorthand” is shown.

2 b, r nt 2 b dat is d Q wthr ts noblr nd mnd 2 sufr d slngs& arowz of outrAjs  fortn r 2 tAk armz agnst a C f trblz, & by oposn nd em?

This example is, of course, text-speak for Shakespeare’s Hamlet:

To be, or not to be: that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?

The number of keystrokes that were reduced constitute 7 , in this example. At an average typist speed of 240 characters per minute, the time utilizing shortened words, omission of punctuation, basic format, capitalization, and basic grammar may marginally reduce input time, but actually can result in overall time loss. The average time saved in this example is less than 20 seconds. It would probably take the recipient longer to translate and read the shortened message. Many email readers may not recognize acronyms, Internet slang, emoticons, or abbreviations. Similarly, lack of punctuation may confuse text meaning, cause additional time to be spent rereading messages, or elicit a completely different meaning.

        By contrast, a well-structured, etiquette-compliant message will more likely deliver a lucid, easy-to-understand, effective message. This applies to personal or business messages alike. For individuals, accuracy with personal or basic communication will optimize relationships. For professionals or organizations, good Netiquette will convey professionalism, improve communication value, and reduce potentially damaging or embarrassing situations.


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